Michelle Malkin has been out preaching the virtues of racial profiling on the unsubstantiated claim that some Japanese Americans during WWII were spies. Fred Korematsu, of the famous Supreme Court case, responds with a must-read op-ed:
ox News media personality Michelle Malkin claims that some Japanese Americans were spies during World War II. Based upon her suspicions, Malkin claims the internment of all Japanese Americans was not such a bad idea after all. She goes on to claim that racial profiling of Arab Americans today is justified by the need to fight terrorism. According to Malkin, it is OK to take away an entire ethnic group's civil rights because some individuals are suspect. Malkin argues for reviving the old notion of guilt by association.It is painful to see reopened for serious debate the question of whether the government was justified in imprisoning Japanese Americans during World War II. It was my hope that my case and the cases of other Japanese American internees would be remembered for the dangers of racial and ethnic
scapegoating.Fears and prejudices directed against minority communities are too easy to evoke and exaggerate, often to serve the political agendas of those who promote those fears. I know what it is like to be at the other end of such scapegoating and how difficult it is to clear one's name after unjustified suspicions are endorsed as fact by the government. If someone is a spy or terrorist they should be prosecuted for their actions. But no one should ever be locked away simply because they share the same race, ethnicity, or religion as a spy or terrorist. If that principle was not learned from the internment of Japanese Americans, then these are very dangerous times for our democracy.
The only thing I hate more than a racist is a minority racist. Michelle Malkin joins my illustrious Asian Pacific American Hall of Shame.
My alma mater seems to produce more anti-immigrant apologists than I ever knew: Jan Ting (cf http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/terrorism/jan-june02/dragnet_4-3.html), now Michelle Malkin.
Posted by: Jon Bernard | September 27, 2004 at 02:09 PM
UR ST()()pID!!211one111
Posted by: ALALALL | November 24, 2004 at 02:59 AM