Casualties Since Iraqi Elections

  • US Troops Wounded: 248
  • US Troops Killed: 73

APA Hall of Shame

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June 14, 2005


Foree White

I have heard all of my adult life about the Holocaust, that fabrcated you people that made up that lie, you keep telling it over, and over. You made up that lie for this day, the same as you made up the story about that Jesus that you have the whole world worshipping. Just because you tell that lie, again, and again, does not make it true. I have seen the pictures of the world wars, and those pictures that you show being the Holocaust, are no different. All you did was just cut out some paper Stars, of David, and put on those bodies. There is no such thing, as a white Jew. You are Edomites, but you are still White people. The only way you are going to mass murder each other is for Supreme power.
According to the true history of the Jews, and the Bible is that true history. It is written in the book of Amos the 9th Chapter, the 7th verse that the Jews are as the Ethiopians. Webster Dictionary's account is Ethiopians, a native, or inhabitant of Ethiopia, are loosely called negroes, and that is what you White people called us, as a byword, and as long as we accepted it we got by. Every time a black man would make an attempt to wake up you would as white murderers kill him, or her. The same as we were when we were down in the land of Egypt. Under threat of Pharoah. I stand before you this day, by the power of the mighty God Israel to declare, that a greater than Moses is here. i am that Prophet that was promised to you by the mighty God Israel. Also The Prophet Israel, that you so eagerly, and freely changed his name to Jesus, the son of Joseph, and Mary promised you that I would come.
Truly I know who he really was according to the book of Matthews 2:13, and Hosea 11:1, read it.
St. John 16:7-13 Israel is the true name, and Jesus is the Prince of this world, whom the whole world is worshipping

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